I've been playing this game for four years now. I'll admit I don't know everything, but I know enough and I certainly know as much as the so called 'experts' and 'gurus' that seem to make good livings working for Yahoo! and CBS Sportsline (where my teams are). I've heard some pretty bizarre things come out of these guys' mouths... err... flow from their keyboards onto their webpages; stuff that back in Year 1 cost me some games until I learned how to weed through the BS. Once I did, I managed to consistently place in the top 3 in my two Yahoo leagues year in and year out and I won my Sportsline league last year (thank you Shaun Alexander!).
My goal for this blog is to help others learn from my mistakes and also poke fun at what I see as 'the establishment' when it comes to FFB advice. And by 'establishment' I mean guys such as Yahoo's Brandon Do-I-Look-Like-I'm-Having-Fun?ston:

Gawd, doesn't he look angry? How can he be angry when he's getting PAID to write about fantasy sports?
Then there's those guys on Comcast Sportsnet's 'Fantasy Fix' show. I'm pretty damn sure I can rock a 5 o'clock shadow better than John Hansen and look less awkward on camera than that guy they bring on at the end to help answer email (so notable I can't even remember his name!) and I KNOW I'm more successful than that Steve Czaban guy down in DC who I think traded Ocho Cinco for Todd Heap! I must say, though, that there's some good info on that show.
Not so with these guys from CBS Sportsline (hey, my 7 year old nieces can wear their hats backwards. Does that mean they can give fantasy advice for CBS too?):

I particularly 'love' their weekly 'Fantasy v. Reality' articles where each week they'll flip-flop like so: one week they'll say something like "Fantasy: Jake Delhomme is good" (b/c they think he isn't, see?) and then the next week they say "Reality: Jake Delhomme is good" (b/c now they think he IS!). Mwuh?????
I'll be honest, I probably won't have a ton of original content. I just don't have the time. I'll rank players when I feel like it, but more often than not I'll probably just poke holes in other sites' rankings and articles ("you think I should start Steve McNair over Tom Brady? Are you high???"). I've always been better at criticizing others than coming up with original ideas and, you know what? I'm okay with that! Enjoy!