Thursday, November 1, 2007

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming...

I'll take a bit of a break from my "How'm I doin'?" mid-season retrospective to bring up this latest bit of idiocy from Yahoo's Noise-maker, Brad Evans:

He's got "Kenny Watson / Rudi Johnson" listed as a "Flame"! BOTH OF THEM! "If both are active, each is worthy of a flex start in 12-team leagues, but anticipate a near 50-50 split in carries." So if you own both, you should start both? That sounds like a major waste of a roster spot, if you ask me.

Meanwhile, in "So it's come to this..." news, a lot of experts are slurping QB Sage Rosenfels (HOU) and MIN's TE, Vincente Shianco as decent bye week replacements. Now, if you drafted Matt Schaub as a bye week replacement, MAYBE you have to give Sage a start. And yes, I don't advocate keeping 2 TEs on the roster, but you HAD to know this day was coming and prepare, right? If so, good luck with Vincente, but a little foresight could've netted you one of the CHI TEs or Owen Daniels.

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