Saturday, December 30, 2006

Speaking of 'F'

Funny story here. In this league where I made all these bad choices ('Bad Idea Jeans', anyone?) my team was orignally called "Pardon the Domination" (b/c I had won last year and cockily thought I'd do so again, thus becoming a dominator). I had been watching a lot of PTI and I was able to take their logo and turn the I into a D. I thought I was SOOOOOO cool. Yeah, well, anyway... after a loss, I decided it was time for a new name. Having recently seen Dwight on "The Office" simply say "F" rather than the whole word, I thought it made sense. It's what I said every time I lost and it was also the grade I deserved. So I renamed my team "F---", which doubly meant the F bomb as well as "F minus minus minus". Our commish, though, changed the name back and locked that feature so I couldn't undo it. Can't say I blame him.

Bottom line: know your audience before renaming your team something vulgar.

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